Call for Submissions — The Hajar Book of Rage
We are now open for submissions for The Hajar Book of Rage, the first book in our new elements anthology series.
We ignite the series by exploring the fierce, animating power of rage as a starting point for revolutionary work. Anger is politically instructive, teaching us what we’re fighting against and what we’re fighting for. It is mobilising, driving us to put our bodies on the line and take direct action. It gives us the strength of our convictions, rousing our innermost ideals so we don’t compromise or concede. And it is consuming, impossible to control, with a blazing appetite for destruction.
We’re looking for short stories, poetry, essays and everything in between on the theme of revolutionary anger, showing radical imagination, creative experimentation and sharp political engagement with the world around us.
Submission Details:
Open to people of colour.
Submissions can be fiction, poetry, essays or other forms of textual work; we are not accepting illustrated submissions.
Maximum word count: 6,000 words.
Deadline: 15 April 2025.
Pieces chosen for publication will be paid a fee of £50 for poems and £150–£200 for prose.
Entry is free!
Please submit your piece as a Word doc attachment (not a Google doc) to editorial [at] hajarpress [dot] com with the subject line ‘Book of Rage Submission: [Your Name]’, along with a short author bio.
We can’t wait to read your writing!
General Submissions
If you’re interested in publishing a book with Hajar Press, please send your proposal with the following information to editorial [at] hajarpress [dot] com:
Proposed title
Genre (don’t worry if your book bridges different genres—this is what we’re looking for!)
An overview of the book’s main themes, rationale and objective (500–1000 words)
Summary and structure for the book
Details of any non-textual material
A list of works that have inspired your writing
Your target audience (please try to be as specific as possible!)
Total word count
Date of first draft delivery
Author biography
Writing sample, or full manuscript if complete
Please note that we only publish a few books a year and our publication schedule for the next few years is full. While we love to read new proposals for the future, unfortunately we don’t have capacity to respond to all submissions.